Morocco Discovery

A must-do destination… Labyrinthine medival cities, fast-paced urban centers, long stretches of beach, sprawling desert, lush palm oases, and snowcapped mountains—. Morocco discovery  offers enough to draw any traveler looking for a new vacation spot. But what makes it a…

The Amazigh tribes

 Meaning The Amazigh (meaning “free” or “noble”) people, a group of diverse tribes that still inhabit much of Morocco. Are the country’s first inhabitants. The Amazigh are said to have occupied this region from before 10,000BC. In the Atlas, cave…



  Moroccan culture and identity Henna application is a beautiful deed that represents centuries of heritage. It is one of the most natural art forms. It has gradually become a symbol of Moroccan culture and identity. It is mainly tattooed…

Vegans Vegetarians and Gluten-free

Vegans Vegetarians and Gluten-free

Vegans Vegetarians and Gluten-free In Morocco, veganism and vegetarianism are relatively new concepts. Explanations about avoiding eating meat or meat products are frequently met with confusion outside of big cities and high-end restaurants and riads. Meat is an important part…

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