Los curtidores de Fez

los curtidores de Fez

El cuero en la medina de Fez y las curtidurías… El grupo de los curtidores de Fez se orgulla de tener raíces muy antiguas, que podrían remontarse a la época de la fundación de la ciudad. La actividad se vio…

The desert and its living beings

The living beings of the desert

    The desert and its living beings Deserts are ecosystems characterized by low precipitation levels, often resulting in arid or semi-arid conditions. There are various types of deserts around the world, and they can be classified into several types based…

The polygamy

African Savannah

         The polygamy was established to provide social protection to victims of cados during expansionary wars. and it was widely spread in the rural world at the time. It is regulated by means of strict laws that…

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